What we believe in.
Our Doctrinal Statement

“And they continued steadfastly in apostle’s doctrine, and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers.”

Acts 2 :42 NKJV


We endeavor to nourish the body of Christ through doctrine and grace impartation so that the sons of God can grow into maturity and function in the Dominion Mandate of Christ as predicated in Ephesians 4:13

” until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, as we mature to the full measure of the stature of Christ.’’

Join one of our meetingsJoin one of our meetings

Feel free to reach out to us, we would love for you to join one of our weekly meetings

We look forward to seeing you!

Sunday Worship Service

Join our Sunday Worship Service in contact from our worship center in Pheonix or from the comfort of your home with our live Zoom streaming every Sunday. 

Saturday Morning Prayer

Join our Saturday Morning Prayer with Pastor Roland, as you are taught how to pray effectively, alone and with the body of Christ,  all from the comfort of your home, streamed live on Zoom. 

Bible Study

Join our AEM Bible Study classes as Pastor Anne takes you on a journey through the pages of the most important book known to man, she will unpack difficult biblical concepts, covers a variety of topics and will equip you with the tools to become a true bible scholar, all from the comfort of your home, streamed live on Zoom. 

Grief Relief

You are loved, you are not alone, losing a loved one will never be easy, let us help you through those difficult times, our Grief Relief sessions are designed to help you get you through those valley moments. Live virtual sessions are hosted by Pastor Anne who is certified and accredited to assist you. 

Woman of Purpose

Have you ever felt that you were destined for more but havent been doing enough? Has God been trying to get your attention? Join our session and connect with powerful women of God, learn how to make an impact with the purpose God has given you. Hosted by Pastor Anne and the women of AEM. 

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